Looking for MARC?

Then look to BookWhere

BookWhere helps catalogers locate and edit bibliographic data economically both in terms of time and money, and without compromising on record quality or limiting the number of records retrieved. It is an essential resource in thousands of libraries and today more than ever with so many organizations facing critical funding shortfalls, BookWhere is a critical alternative MARC record source provider. And we’ve ‘suite’-ned what has always been an exceptional product by integrating now our powerful MARC editing tool.

BookWhere Suite operates cooperatively with most major library automation systems allowing users to easily transfer retrieved records to their database. It provides numerous workflow efficiencies including the ability to perform batch processing of searches, analysis for identifying the most complete records, as well as support for user-defined macros for individual and batch MARC record editing.


No limit to number of bibliographic records you can search and retrieve/export and no per record cost for exporting – download 10 or 10,000 – the cost is the same: free


Clean up records individually or in batch, manually or better yet using pre-recorded macros before uploading to your library system to ensure high quality and integrity


Access the largest registry of databases in the world – a registry you don’t have to maintain – we do!


Batch search by ISBN, ISSN or other fields to maximize time

High Hit Rate

We have heard from all types of libraries from around the world that the hit rate they experience with BookWhere Suite exceeds their expectations. Several libraries report over 97% hit rates. With this type of evidence, wouldn’t you rather use BookWhere Suite?

Largest shared network of libraries in the world

BookWhere Suite accesses the largest real-time shared network of libraries in the world (more than 3000). This vast network facilitates research, resource-sharing, and copy cataloguing. And you don’t have to maintain the connections to these libraries – that’s part of what BookWhere Suite does.

Solid, economic investment

If the time you spend doing cataloguing through time-consuming methods adds up to just one day in a year, that single day will pay for BookWhere Suite. There really are very few products that show a solid return on investment within a matter of mere hours. BookWhere Suite does. And it’s an investment that is reliable and predictable. Our pricing is not based on how much you use BookWhere Suite, or how many records you retrieve. We hope you do use it a lot!

Customer Stories

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our customers say:

York Region District School Board expands BookWhere to new schools

Cataloguing for an entire School district is a daunting task for any technical services team. And in a growing region the volume of items and work doesn’t slow down! For over a year the YRDSB team has been reviewing and proposing different options to help ensure material gets catalogued efficiently. They recently chose to implement WebClarity’s BookWhere Online subscription product to help 32 different schools tackle derived cataloguing onsite. Working with the core YRDSB technical services team, WebClarity helped customize the experience, by ensuring their preferred databases were grouped together for easy access. Already a loyal customer for 15+ years, this addition of BookWhere Online to decentralize specific parts of their workflow will significantly streamline their MARC cataloguing process. #bookwhereonline #metadatamatters #copycataloguing #lookingforMARC #schoollibrarians #cataloguers #MARCrecords

London Public Library finds their MARC with BookWhere Suite!

After seeking colleagues for advice, London Public Library technical services staff did a full review of BookWhere Suite to address its derived cataloguing needs…. and purchased it! Serving the needs of one of the most populous communities in Ontario, requires a diverse collection both in terms of languages and media. As a result staff at the Library found themselves frequently having to spend more time either searching across multiple sources or creating from scratch metadata to ensure they were able to generate the most complete records possible to facilitate discovery. WebClarity worked with LPL to ensure they were able to personalize groups of databases, including over 300 Canadian libraries (which will allow them to create a virtual Canadian union catalogue), as well as create post-search filters and custom record displays that work best for them. In addition to Canadian library databases, through the software LPL can access WebClarity’s shared cooperative registry of databases, the largest such registry in the world. #bookwheresuite #lookingforMARC #metadatamatters

Palmview Municipal Library Chooses BookWhere!

Following their busy opening as the state of Texas’ newest municipal library, staff found that their collection was growing quickly thanks in part to donations. In a short amount of time, they realized that the search capabilities of their ILS for locating bibliographic records was not up to the job and their backlog grew. Thankfully nearby neighboring libraries suggested they consider BookWhere as many of them have been long time users and spoke effectively to its benefits and efficiencies. After seeing a demonstration, staff made their decision and now are on their way to quickly copy cataloging items and getting materials on shelves. We are excited to work with this team as work hard to make this brand new library an amazing reality for the folks of Palmview, Texas!

Built to Handle Libraries’  Unique Scheduling Needs

PeopleWhere looks beyond streamlining the mechanics of matching employees to shifts in a schedule. It will help your Library improve communication between staff, track and integrate absences into the schedule, optimize use of staff resources across all of your departments and branches, and better maximize your organization’s knowledge assets – what we call the skills and expertise of your people.