Technical Requirements
The system requirements for BookWhere and BookWhere Suite are very manageable, allowing almost any PC to use its powerful features. If you feel that your computer may not be compatible, refer to the information below.
System Requirements
- Microsoft Windows™ 10, 8, 7, or XP
- Internet connection
- Microsoft™ Internet Explorer™ version 6 or higher
- 1 GB minimum and 2 GB RAM recommended for Windows™ 7 and Windows™ 8
- Pentium processor
- 50 MB of disk space (more if working with large numbers of records)
- Unicode™ font package required if displaying non-Latin characters*
*In order to display some international characters, a suitable Unicode™ font must be installed and available in the Microsoft Windows environment. Windows is usually delivered with Lucida Sans Unicode, which contains a number of character font faces outside of the common Latin-1 character ranges. Another widely available choice is Arial Unicode MS. A number of commercially available fonts are also an option depending on local requirements. Installing Microsoft Office will also provide a number of additional Unicode™ fonts.
Unicode and the Unicode Logo are trademarks of Unicode, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Firewall Permissions
Your workstation will need to be permitted to open connections on several ports in order to be able to search a variety of library databases. Your systems administrator will need to ensure that any network firewall is configured to allow outbound TCP connections on at least these ports: 210, 2101, 2010, 2100, 2101, 2200, 2210, 20010, 5666, 7090, 7091, 7290, 7390, 9909, and 9991.*