
PeopleWhere looks beyond streamlining the mechanics of matching employees to shifts in a schedule. It will help your Library improve communication between staff, track and integrate absences into the schedule, optimize use of staff resources across all of your departments and branches, and better maximize your organization’s knowledge assets – what we call the skills and expertise of your people.


Streamline the mechanics of staff scheduling

Positions and shifts along with who in your organization fills these roles regularly can be auto-created and manually defined in templates which can be re-used and modified. This increases consistency and importantly reduces the redundancy involved in the creation and manipulation of master schedules. Multiple schedules can operate simultaneously all generated from templates. A variety of scheduling views help identify immediate and future problems. At a glance managers can pinpoint and triage the fulfillment of vacant shifts caused by a last minute illness or other leave type.

Improve staff communication

Being Web-based, PeopleWhere will be an immediate improvement upon traditional hardcopy, tacked-to-the-staffroom-wall methods of communicating your organization’s schedule to staff. Accessible from wherever via Internet, staff login to access their real-time schedules. They can easily print their own schedule and download it to iCalendar compatible applications, such as Google Calendar or MS Outlook. Extensive reporting allows managers to produce specific views of their organization’s schedules whether for a specific department or a branch and output as html or to MS Excel. Staff can message colleagues within PeopleWhere and managers have the ability to tentatively offer shifts to specific staff for their confirmation.

Track and log absences

Our online absence request submission tool gives staff a simple and easy method to enter and track leave requests throughout the approval process. Staff can see in real time their vacation and sick time banks. All leave requests, once approved, immediately impact schedules. An unlimited number of absence types are supported as either mediated or unmediated and with or without submission conditions. Detailed reporting allows managers to report on absences and scheduled work time.

Optimize staff resources

One common staff database is shared across all schedules allowing for staff substitute lists to reflect all possible qualified staff to do a job, not just staff at one location. This makes it much easier to share staff between departments and branches in an emergency. Mandatory positions are defined to show high importance to help triage their quick fulfillment. Staff allocation analysis tools further help managers ensure scheduled hours are within organization commitments and guidelines.

Maximize Organization Knowledge Assets

Record unique staff skills, such as languages, certifications, such as CPR, and knowledge, such as local history, so staff can quickly locate colleagues who have matching attributes. Critical Knowledge Assets – such as a Librarian-in-Charge designation – can be linked to schedules for tracking and reporting.