Since electronic publications are not a separate format, it can make it difficult to find ebooks and other electronic versions. If you search for the word electronic in the ANY field and then search for the title, you should find ebooks and other e-formats. You may also search by the ISBN for the electronic version, but not all titles will have an ISBN. It is worthwhile to experiment to see which searches work best for you and which databases you prefer.
Here are some ways to search for the ebook version of Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.
- In the Quick Search window, search ISBN = 9780553902808 [this is the number for Adobe Reader version of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland & through the looking glass from 2006]
- In the Quick Search window, select search field ANY “electronic” and search field TITLE “through the looking glass”
- From the Search Query Simple tab, you can search for ANY = electronic, AUTHOR = Carroll, and TITLE = Through the looking glass if you have too many retrieved records from a two-field search.