For a limited time, you can buy BookWhere Suite for the sale price of *$597! Don’t have BookWhere Suite? We’ll upgrade up-to 4 BookWhere licenses to Bookwhere Suite for FREE with **purchase!Why Upgrade to BookWhere Suite?
BookWhere Suite is the best return-on-investment copy cataloging and pre-processing record edit tool for libraries, being economically savvy in saving both time and money. BookWhere has no limit to the number of bibliographic records that can be searched, retrieved or exported, and no cost per record for exporting- while never compromising on record quality. It’s a vital resource in libraries, today more than ever, with many libraries facing serious funding cuts, BookWhere is a critical alternative MARC record source provider.BookWhere Suite helps catalogers locate and edit bibliographic data from a non-static registry of over 2600 databases worldwide, which is built and maintained by WebClarity Software. It operates cooperatively with most major library automation systems allowing users to easily transfer retrieved records to their database. It provides a number of workflow efficiencies including the ability to perform batch processing of searches, analysis for identifying the most complete records, as well as user-defined macros for individual and batch MARC record editing.
“By switching to BookWhere Suite a small library can expect to save over $7700 per year”
Contact us: 1-866-213-8880 x113 or
Contact us: 1-866-213-8880 x113 or
Other Key Advantages:
- provides real-time access to databases
- batch search by ISBN, ISSN or other fields
- clean up records individually or in batch, manually or using pre-recorded macros
- rating and scoring for M21 and RDA
- email & toll-free phone support Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST
- free webinars weekly
- databases are auto-updated weekly
Our Library Community Includes:
State of South Carolina BAnQ Queen’s University Toronto Public Library |
Guggenheim Museum Helsinki University Nova Scotia Provincial Library Seven Oaks School District |
Christie’s, NY & UK Clermont County Public Library Ottawa Public Library St. John’s University |
*Required Fields
News announcements
PeopleWhere & BookWhere Suite repeat honors!
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York Region District School Board expands BookWhere to new schools
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London Public Library finds their MARC with BookWhere Suite!
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