York Region District School Board expands BookWhere to new schools

Cataloguing for an entire School district is a daunting task for any technical services team.  And in a growing region the volume of items and work doesn’t slow down!  For over a year the YRDSB team has been reviewing and proposing different options to help ensure material gets catalogued efficiently.   They recently chose to implement WebClarity’s BookWhere Online subscription product to help 32 different schools tackle derived cataloguing onsite.  Working with the core YRDSB technical services team, WebClarity helped customize the experience, by ensuring their preferred databases were grouped together for easy access.   Already a loyal customer for 15+ years, this addition of BookWhere Online to decentralize specific parts of their workflow will significantly streamline their MARC cataloguing process. #bookwhereonline #metadatamatters #copycataloguing #lookingforMARC #schoollibrarians #cataloguers #MARCrecords

News announcements

PeopleWhere & BookWhere Suite repeat honors!
WebClarity Software is pleased to announce the awarding of honors to both PeopleWhere and BookWhere Suite for a repeat…
York Region District School Board expands BookWhere to new schools
Cataloguing for an entire School district is a daunting task for any technical services team.  And in a growing region t…
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