BookWhere Suite

BookWhere helps catalogers locate and edit bibliographic data economically both in terms of time and money, and without compromising on record quality or limiting the number of records retrieved. It is an essential resource in thousands of libraries and today more than ever with so many organizations facing critical funding shortfalls, BookWhere is a critical alternative MARC record source provider. And we’ve ‘suite’-ned what has always been an exceptional product by integrating now our powerful MARC editing tool.

BookWhere Suite operates cooperatively with most major library automation systems allowing users to easily transfer retrieved records to their database. It provides numerous workflow efficiencies including the ability to perform batch processing of searches, analysis for identifying the most complete records, as well as support for user-defined macros for individual and batch MARC record editing.


Key advantages of our BookWhere Suite software

  • No limit to number of bibliographic records you can search and retrieve/export
  • No per record cost for exporting – download 10 or 10,000 – the cost is the same: free
  • Batch search by ISBN, ISSN or other fields to maximize time
  • Access the largest registry of databases in the world – a registry you don’t have to maintain – we do!
  • Clean up records individually or in batch, manually or better yet using pre-recorded macros before uploading to your library system to ensure high quality and integrity

Let’s take a more detailed look at the benefits

High Hit Rate

We have heard from all types of libraries from around the world that the hit rate they experience with BookWhere Suite exceeds their expectations. Several libraries report over 97% hit rates. With this type of evidence, wouldn’t you rather use BookWhere Suite?

Solid, economic investment

If the time you spend doing cataloguing through time-consuming methods adds up to just one day in a year, that single day will pay for BookWhere Suite. There really are very few products that show a solid return on investment within a matter of mere hours. BookWhere Suite does. And it’s an investment that is reliable and predictable. Our pricing is not based on how much you use BookWhere Suite, or how many records you retrieve. We hope you do use it a lot!

Largest shared network of libraries in the world

BookWhere Suite accesses the largest real-time shared network of libraries in the world (more than 3000). This vast network facilitates research, resource-sharing, and copy cataloguing. And you don’t have to maintain the connections to these libraries – that’s part of what BookWhere Suite does.

Record Rating and Analyzing – RDA and MARC21

Our rating and scoring system helps you pinpoint quickly the most complete records. Our flexible and user-defined analysis tool helps you sort through record results based on media type, language, series title, or even subject. And our RDA specific scoring helps you differentiate between a highly rated MARC 21 record and one that also meets RDA core standards.

Batch Searching

BookWhere Suite supports batch searching – load up 50 ISBNs and launch a search against one or multiple databases. By the time you’re back from a quick coffee break, you’ll have results. Need more power, then talk to us about our power cataloger packages with the smallest including licenses for up to four workstations and access to our enhanced batch search service. One library that had several thousand books in backlog used our enhanced batch search service and quickly found 975 of the 1000 titles and were able to download them immediately into their catalogue. If they had continued with their previous cataloguing methods, those books may have been left in the backroom for months; but with BookWhere Suite they were in the OPAC in under an hour.

Compatibility with major ILS packages and direct Send To

Whether you require your records in MARC format, XML or text, BookWhere Suite supports a variety of export formats compatible with most major Integrated Library Systems as well as a direct SendTo for specific ILS customers.

Macros and Tag editing

You can quickly clean up records through your user-defined pre-recorded macros. These routines can be performed against a single record or a batch of records all at once. Macros can add, remove or append to tags and contain multiple iterations of these commands allowing you to eliminate in two quick keystrokes what might otherwise take multiple time-consuming steps. In addition to macros, you can use a Basic or Advanced editor to edit, add or remove manually individual tags and subfields.

Supports multiple formats and character sets

BookWhere Suite supports standard MARC21 and UNIMARC format records with tag and subfield rules and descriptions. It also supports the display and editing of MARC-8, Latin-1 extended and Unicode™ character set encoded records. It will also warn you when your leader coding does not match the content of the retrieved record and it can go one step beyond allowing you to modify the character encoding to match local library system requirements. This means you can easily convert from MARC-8 to utf-8 or vice-versa.

Load Publisher MARC files & Retrospective clean-up

BookWhere Suite can also open MARC files. This allows you to take advantage of the rating and scoring features of the software to verify the quality of records. And the MARC editing capabilities in BookWhere Suite can be used for more than just retrieved cataloging copy. You can also open MARC records from other sources or extracted from your local system specifically to review and edit. And it is in this situation where our batch editing capabilities can prove to be a powerful tool, especially if your current library system does not offer robust global editing tools. If you are looking to RDA-ify on mass a group of records, build a macro and apply it!

Annual Maintenance Program

Full details of our exceptional maintenance program are detailed here, but here is a summary of the benefits: (

  • Free software upgrades throughout the life of your maintenance contract. WebClarity targets one major release each year and several minor releases.
  • Toll-free phone and email support are available to answer your questions and we offer Free Webinars weekly.
  • Our software licenses are non-transferable; however, licenses supported by an annual maintenance agreement can be moved to a new machine in the event of hardware failure or upgrades of PCs with our assistance.
  • Our AutoSync service provides regular updates from our registry to the database search connection information that allows BookWhere Suite to search more databases than any other competitive product available today!
  • Our Record Rating and Scoring Service makes it easy for cataloguers to select the most complete records from a set of search results at a glance.

Technical Requirements

Our software runs on a variety of platforms, most commonly Windows-based PCs. A more detailed list of the hardware, software and network requirements are detailed here.