
We are always interested in enthusiastic, positive, knowledgeable individuals to join our team. Please submit resumes to:

Our businesses are focused on serving the needs of the library community through technologies we develop as well as those we partner for.  
Convergent-WebClarity develops and markets software specific to libraries, researchers and education institutions. In addition to our own in-house development, we sell and support a wide range of third party applications that enhance self-service and staff workflows. Our third party products are represented throughout Canada by us directly and our in-house development is represented both directly and through channel partners worldwide.

We are based in the great city of Barrie, a growing, thriving community situated on the shores of Lake Simcoe, close to the ski hills and a 1-hour train ride from downtown Toronto.  For information about living and working in Barrie, visit the City of Barrie website for more information. To learn more about what our community has to offer, visit the Tourism Barrie website for details on climate, history, recreation (including close-by skiing and boating on Lake Simcoe) and festivals.

News announcements

PeopleWhere & BookWhere Suite repeat honors!
WebClarity Software is pleased to announce the awarding of honors to both PeopleWhere and BookWhere Suite for a repeat…
York Region District School Board expands BookWhere to new schools
Cataloguing for an entire School district is a daunting task for any technical services team.  And in a growing region t…
London Public Library finds their MARC with BookWhere Suite!
After seeking colleagues for advice, London Public Library technical services staff did a full review of BookWhere Su…