
Your experience with WebClarity can be enhanced through the services of a WebClarity Reseller.

Located across North America and around the world, WebClarity’s Platinum, Authorized and Associate Resellers are independent businesses that specialize in providing technology-consulting services to Libraries, Professional Researchers and Students of all types.

They are experienced with the technology requirements of Librarians and Researchers and have expertise not only in our products, but offer complementary library solutions as well.

Interested in becoming a reseller? We welcome the opportunity to work with you as a business partner. Please visit our About Us section for our Sales teams’ contact information. We’ll help you determine which of our reseller programs might best fit your organization.

*Click on each column heading to sort by heading.

Reseller Name Company Website Telephone Number Territory Authorized
to sell
product line
to sell
Convergent Library Technologies 1-866-213-8880 Canada Yes Yes
SoftChoice Corporation 1-800-268-7638 Canada Yes
Infocrofters 1-336-370-0457 USA Yes
SoftChoice Corporation 1-404-624-9000 USA Yes
InterOPTICS +30 2109027203 Europe Yes

Resellers in North America

Company Information Company Description
Convergent Library Technologies
8-431 Huronia Road
Barrie, ON
L4N 9B3 Canada
Phone: +1.705.792.6933
Fax: +1.705.792.2718
The make or break element for rolling out any new technology is the human element: staff and public. Convergent is not just about delivering a piece of software; they deliver superior services. Their solutions include: Copy Cataloguing (BookWhere Suite), Booking Software (PC, Room, Resources, Events), Print Management, Software Metering, Desktop Security, and i-tiva Voice Notification/Renewal. A full range of pre-sales support, installation and implementation assistance, professional services and training are available.
173 Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON
Phone: (800) 268-7638
Fax: 416-588-9001
As a leading North American provider of IT solutions and services, helping small, mid-market, enterprise and public sector organizations harness the power of innovation is our guiding principle. To do this we offer the best of all possible worlds. That includes the efficiency, reliability and cost-savings of a national IT supplier along with the personal touch and technical expertise of a local solutions provider. From in-person consultations to advanced solution design, delivery and implementation services, we’re redefining the level of service customers have come to expect from a trusted technology advisor like Softchoice.
1005 N Eugene Street
Greensboro, NC
27401-1612 USA
Phone: 336-370-0457
Fax: 336-855-7882
InfoCrofters looks forward to providing you with information about WebClarity software (BookWhere and BookWhere Online) and Inmagic software (DB/TextWorks, WebPublisher PRO, Content Server, Genie, and Presto). We sell WebClarity and Inmagic software, train our customers in their most effective use, helping you develop unique databases with these complementary software products. We also create web sites using Homestead software, teach clients to maintain them, and provide digital photography services as needed.
3355 Lenox Road
Atlanta, GA
30326 USA
Phone: 404.624.9000 or (800) 268-7638
Fax: 404.261.9520
As a leading North American provider of IT solutions and services, helping small, mid-market, enterprise and public sector organizations harness the power of innovation is our guiding principle. To do this we offer the best of all possible worlds. That includes the efficiency, reliability and cost-savings of a national IT supplier along with the personal touch and technical expertise of a local solutions provider. From in-person consultations to advanced solution design, delivery and implementation services, we’re redefining the level of service customers have come to expect from a trusted technology advisor like Softchoice.

Resellers in Europe

Company Information Company Description

15 Hersifronos Athens Greece
11 631
Tel +30 2109027203
Fax +30 2109027208
InterOPTICS SA has been an electronics subscriptions agent since 1994. The company is part of Lambrakis Press Group, Greece’s largest publishing and media corporation. In the Greek and Cypriot markets, it represents some of the most esteemed electronic content publishers in the world such as Elsevier, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Wolters Kluwer Health, Thomson Reuters Scientific, Proquest, Cengage Gale, Thomson Reuters Healthcare, Bowker, and many more. Since 2001 it also maintains a strategic alliance with Swets Information Services, one of the largest print subscription agents active globally.

Its breadth of activities today covers sales of subscription products (electronic databases, journals, e-books and related software products for all previous three), e-commerce and customized technical support.

Resellers in South America

Company Information Company Description
Manzana 20 Casa 4
Villa Flor II Bogota, Columbia


Resellers in Australia & New Zealand

Company Information Company Description

News announcements

PeopleWhere & BookWhere Suite repeat honors!
WebClarity Software is pleased to announce the awarding of honors to both PeopleWhere and BookWhere Suite for a repeat…
York Region District School Board expands BookWhere to new schools
Cataloguing for an entire School district is a daunting task for any technical services team.  And in a growing region t…
London Public Library finds their MARC with BookWhere Suite!
After seeking colleagues for advice, London Public Library technical services staff did a full review of BookWhere Su…