An excellent product for an exceptionally good price

Margaret Newton, Bibliographic Services Manager at the Marigold Library System in Alberta reports, “We have been using BookWhere now since 2010 and continue to be very enthused about this product. Last year an additional license was purchased for the use of the acquisitions team and it has been a huge success.

“As a workflow tool it has added a great deal to our “on order” records as acquisitions has been able to download more accurate and complete records. We use it a great deal for our French and Spanish titles. We recently had a staff member provide us with a refresher course which was very useful and it provided all our team with some great suggestions for more useful links. The three part screen and the customization available has proven a great benefit. The continual monitoring of the connections is also appreciated greatly by our team as within our ILS we have issues with some of our Z39.50 connections and it requires us to ask our IT department to check the connections and all round requires far more staff time that is really available for such work. I collect statistics on use and we continue to show high usage. We recently replaced two staff computers and received excellent support to help us work through all the details. All in all an excellent product for an exceptionally good price.”

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