Bibliothèque de la Compagnie de Jésus purchases BookWhere Suite

WebClarity is proud to welcome a new customer, the Library of the Society of Jesus at Jean-de-Brebéuf College in Montreal. They will be using BookWhere Suite to help automate their collection, which centers on philosophy and theology, and includes reference works in Latin and Greek. The holdings include works of the Christian tradition, scripture (12,000 volumes), Church fathers, theology, ethics, church history, and canon law. The collection includes cultural fields such as classical antiquity, arts, cinema, geography, history, Canadiana, First Nations, law, literature, science, education and linguistics.

The Theology Library of the Society of Jesus began modestly in Trois-Rivières, Quèbec, in 1882, under the direction of Father Joannes B. Fade. The library was relocated to the Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf in Montreal in 1968 and now has nearly 200,000 volumes and 1300 journal titles.

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