Cataloger conquers graphic novel backlog

The cataloger at New Tecumseth Public Library in Ontario loves her new BookWhere Suite. After trying to find records for three boxes’ worth of graphic novels for a long time, she was very pleased to find high-quality cataloging copy with BookWhere and to move them out of the backroom and into the circulating collection. She uses the batch edit function to remove unwanted tags before exporting them to her SirsiDynix Symphony catalog.

New Tecumseth has three town centers (in Alliston, Beeton, and Tottenham) and includes a prosperous farming community, as well as industry. Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin, was born near Alliston; and his childhood home is a popular tourist attraction. The South Simcoe Heritage Railway provides steam-powered train rides. Popular annual festivals such as Alliston’s Potato Festival, the Beeton Honey and Garden Festival, and Tottenham’s Bluegrass Festival draw visitors from near and far.

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