BookWhere is a valued member of the cataloging team at the Remigio Fiore Fortezza Library at the Institución Universitaria CESMAG in Colombia

Luis Rodriguez, Head Librarian, considers BookWhere to be a crucial member of his cataloging team. They use BookWhere for a number of collection management activities. Luis explains, “We use it to identify the databases whose collections and cataloging and classification policies meet our own, thus ensuring that we find the most compatible bibliographic records to add to our catalog. We use BookWhere to evaluate our own collection against other libraries, to pinpoint areas where our collection is especially strong. It is also an aid in selecting new materials to purchase if we find areas that need bolstering.”

Luis describes BookWhere as very intuitive. “It is easy to use and easy to teach new employees and non-librarians how to use. At the same time I can customize it based on my needs. I think that BookWhere is the best Z39.50 utility.”

The University offers undergraduate programs in engineering, social sciences, humanities, architecture, administration, and education. It also offers specialized programs in entrepreneurship and cultural heritage. The Library extends BookWhere’s use beyond copy-cataloging to assisting library staff in supporting the university’s researchers. Luis explains, “We use BookWhere to access quickly the diverse variety and large number of collections around the world to help locate literature on their specialized topics of study.”

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