Cape Breton University adds another BookWhere Suite license

Cape Breton University’s Library recently added a new license to speed up processing of a special collection of French and English history books and Canadian government documents. As customers since 2006, staff were already well aware that BookWhere streamlined the search process by cutting down the time spent on searching for copy and that it provided access to many more libraries, allowing them to target specific libraries according to their search requirements.

Cataloguer Caroline Power explains, “I find that BookWhere is useful in providing access to the international cataloguing records for those books published in Europe. I will be using it daily instead of using the Z39.50 software to retrieve cataloguing records because it saves time and is more cost efficient than other products.”

Cape Breton University is located in Sydney, Nova Scotia, and serves more than 3,300 full-time and part-time students from local, regional, and national locations. CBU is also the academic home of several hundred international students representing more than 50 countries. The Beaton Institute, which is the official repository for historically significant records of Cape Breton University,operates as a regional archive for Cape Breton Island.

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