Guelph University Renews With BookWhere!

The University of Guelph, one of the largest and most renowned universities in Ontario, is a strong supporter of WebClarity’s BookWhere products. The University is consistently ranked as a top comprehensive university in Canada by Maclean’s magazine and given top marks for student satisfaction among medium-sized universities in Canada by The Globe and Mail. The campus libraries manage a diverse range of materials including electronic resources and technical services staff make great use of BookWhere for not only copy cataloging but a variety of collection development and data improvement activities. They make significant use of the MARC editing features and the macro capabilities which they apply to individual records as well as groups of records simultaneously. We appreciate their continued support and look forward to featuring them soon as they are an example of a customer who takes BookWhere beyond copy cataloging!

News announcements

PeopleWhere & BookWhere Suite repeat honors!
WebClarity Software is pleased to announce the awarding of honors to both PeopleWhere and BookWhere Suite for a repeat…
York Region District School Board expands BookWhere to new schools
Cataloguing for an entire School district is a daunting task for any technical services team.  And in a growing region t…
London Public Library finds their MARC with BookWhere Suite!
After seeking colleagues for advice, London Public Library technical services staff did a full review of BookWhere Su…