PeopleWhere 10.2 Released with Many New Features

New improved schedule reports gives users ability to generate a report over a range of dates, filter on department or branch, print directly from html, and output directly to Excel.

We introduced a new absence report to help managers consolidate all information related to leave in the system. This new report allows users to filter based on status as well as type and sort according to date. This is particularly useful for organizations that wish to review as part of a team staff vacation requests before approving.

A new master approval manager has been incorporated allowing you to define a person to escalate outstanding absence requests to in situations where a manager is away or unable to approve requests.

You can now track time in hours as well as days and differentiate based on staff type. This feature is especially useful for calculating leave time in relation to part time employees. We’ve also introduced a brand new Knowledge Asset Administration function which centralizes all the set up associated with defining staff skills and certifications.

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