Webclarity Welcomes Marigold!

WebClarity welcomes Marigold Library System in Alberta who has recently chosen BookWhere Suite to improve their copy cataloguing search hit rate. According to Margaret Newton, Manager of Cataloguing Services, “BookWhere is really a cataloguer’s dream product because it thinks like a cataloguer. ” She and her colleagues are delighted with BookWhere’s power and easy customizability that lets them pinpoint needed records quickly.

News announcements

PeopleWhere & BookWhere Suite repeat honors!
WebClarity Software is pleased to announce the awarding of honors to both PeopleWhere and BookWhere Suite for a repeat…
York Region District School Board expands BookWhere to new schools
Cataloguing for an entire School district is a daunting task for any technical services team.  And in a growing region t…
London Public Library finds their MARC with BookWhere Suite!
After seeking colleagues for advice, London Public Library technical services staff did a full review of BookWhere Su…