BookWhere at Florida Christian School

Florida Christian School opened in 1968 with about 100 students and today has nearly 1400 in its K-12 classrooms. The school’s motto “An Education to Believe in” reflects its emphasis on Christian values and family and community involvement. The school is part of a growing and changing community in Miami.

Our library adds lots of new picture books as well as many non-fiction titles and a few DVDs. We can find almost all of the new titles quickly and easily. What I really appreciate about BookWhere is the way I can find the very richest records for my collection. With picture books, it is imperative that we include all of the applicable subject headings so we can find titles in certain subject areas. I use BookWhere to find the richest records (love that rating and scoring system!) so that I can find just the right titles when my teachers ask for books on specific topics.

We use Librarian’s Edge cataloging system from Hunter Systems. We have been using BookWhere for about six years. I like the fact that BookWhere lets us search just the databases we like. After using the system for a while you discover which libraries have MARC records most similar to yours. We stick with our favorite databases and search them first to make sure that we always have high-quality records.

We search by ISBN first because we can scan that in with our bar code readers. If that does not give us a match we move on to title and author. There is a lot of cataloging to do right after our book fairs. We usually look for times on our schedule that are light and do our entering in big batches.

News announcements

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