BookWhere at Cornwall Public Library

The Cornwall Public Library is a single-branch library serving a bilingual community of about 45,000 people. Our service goal is to provide current, relevant resources that reflect the community’s interests and changing needs. BookWhere and MARC Notepad make this easier.

We have two cataloguers and our collections run the gamut of public library holdings: including large print books, children’s books, DVDs and CDs, non-fiction, and reference materials. We also have a small multi-lingual section for our new Canadians.

We needed to replace our ITS.MARC subscription because it was just too costly for our small library. We investigated some solutions and decided to go with BookWhere and MARC Notepad. Although the original purpose was simply to save money on our English titles, we found an added and unexpected benefit: we were able to find and download many of our French titles, too (sourced mainly from our fellow franco-ontarian libraries).

We use MARC Notepad macros to take out local fields automatically (it’s especially good for removing other libraries’ holdings tags and notes). We also add a control number to ensure that we don’t overwrite existing records when importing into our ILS.

News announcements

PeopleWhere & BookWhere Suite repeat honors!
WebClarity Software is pleased to announce the awarding of honors to both PeopleWhere and BookWhere Suite for a repeat…
York Region District School Board expands BookWhere to new schools
Cataloguing for an entire School district is a daunting task for any technical services team.  And in a growing region t…
London Public Library finds their MARC with BookWhere Suite!
After seeking colleagues for advice, London Public Library technical services staff did a full review of BookWhere Su…