Can I add new Display Rule?

If the display rule that you want to use is not available from the Rules window, you can add a new one. The new rule will be available for any of the Display Windows (Analysis, Full Record, Record Export, or Record List).

  • Navigate to the Rules tab from Options > Settings
  • Browse the current list of Rules
  • Click Add Rule if your desired rule is not already defined
  • Give the new rule a meaningful name, e.g., MusPubNr
  • Click OK to navigate the the selection window
  • Make sure to keep the radio button “Extract fields from a record” checked
  • At the Add Rule Field, leave MARC21 as the record type and click OK
  • Define the “Extract data in the following way” field to “Extract a pattern”
  • In the Field Name Template panel, enter the MARC tag number, for example, 028
  • In the Extraction Template, enter the subfield delimiter $ and the subfield, for example, a
  • If you want to display both subfield a and subfield b, enter $a$b in the Extraction Template.

    If you want to display the entire field, then choose “Extract the entire field” for the “Extract data in the following way” pane.

    If you want to extract data from a fixed field, choose the extract data method “Extract a range of characters” and then choose the fixed field tag and the position of the characters you want to display.

  • Finish by clicking OK to save your newly created display rule and then cancel when done
  • You can now select the new rule for any of your display Window by highlighting the desired window first and then selecting the new rule and clicking on Include Rule.

    Settings Rules Add Rule