We use BookWhere all day, every day

Lou Duggan, Librarian, Cataloguing & Metadata, at the Patrick Power Library of Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, wouldn’t be without BookWhere. He explains why.

While we have Z39.50 support within our ILS, our staff prefer the interface of BookWhere. We use BookWhere for all of our searches because everybody just prefers it. It doesn’t get any easier than with BookWhere. We just select the best-rated record if we get multiple hits, add it to our catalogue and make local adjustments from there.

We use BookWhere for routine copy cataloguing and also for special projects, like the one we’re doing now to integrate our government documents into the general collection. If we need to confirm call numbers, it’s really easy in BookWhere.

One of Canada’s oldest universities, Saint Mary’s traces its earliest beginnings to 1802 as a boys’ school. It offered its facilities as an emergency hospital in the aftermath of the Halifax Explosion in 1917. Saint Mary’s is now a modern, urban university with more than 11,000 full- and part-time students.

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