Westminster Public Library has 3 great reasons for reinvesting in BookWhere Suite

Donna Spearman, cataloger at Westminster Public Library in Colorado, explains why she and her colleagues are “really, really happy” with BookWhere Suite, citing three reasons: “It suits our purpose. It’s the right price. And it’s reliable.” They use their BiblioFile cataloging software for getting MARC records for the majority of their audiovisual holdings. BookWhere is the chief source for most music and DVD titles and serves as a backup for print materials they can’t find in BiblioFile. Primary searching is by ISBN, when available, because it’s so quick and easy. For the AV pieces, it’s often more effective to combine search fields, e.g., to look for performer and name of the album for music or to search for the director’s name and title for movies. Search options in BookWhere are really flexible.

Donna says that the editing program has been great as a tool for updating their Overdrive titles. After they run a macro to batch-edit these records, they create a list with needed fields displayed and print it for the catalogers so that they can use the formatted printout for cataloging. They have also set up different search groups specific to material. For example, they have a group of about 20 databases for Spanish titles. Keeping their groups both select and small makes everything faster. They also use the record display list to see whether certain desired fields are present, which lets them sort by that field. For example, they sort records by the summary statement field so that they can choose records that already include a summary.

The City of Westminster is centrally located between Denver and Boulder, giving the 100,000+ residents access to major business and sales venues and a variety of entertainment and recreational facilities.

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